Lauren & Ryan on 3/29

Next weekend I'm doing a sort of "light" engagement session for some friends! Lauren & Ryan are getting married over the summer and we're heading to "Cat Alley" in Manchester, NH to have a fun afternoon of shooting! Hope it warms up a little bit... 

It'll feel good to get out there and shoot again. They're both into a bit of vintage styling, so I'm going to definitely take advantage of shooting INTO THE SUN! *gasp* That's right kids. Lens flare all. day. long. I'll also get a few shots with my Holga lens and see what happens there, but I'm guessing that ship has sailed. Part of what made that camera so fantastic was the fact that you can leak and burn film. Can't really do much in that department on an image sensor. 

SO. I'll post some of my editing process here. I might do a bit of a before/after dealy for the blog, so stay tuned for that! 


Last night I met up with my photography professor from college for a nice dinner party and sharing of a few photos. A lot of her current students were there and they were talking about how active they are in the photo world and it really got me thinking about what is so different for me now that I'm out of college. 


They're being pushed. Hard. They're being pushed to find what's really inside them and clawing to get out and from the sounds of it, they're doing some really incredible work. All I can think of is that my only progress in photography in the last year or so has fallen under "I like it!". That's all well and good, and I honestly love photography, but sometimes I wonder what I could be doing if I had an instructor still. If I had someone assigning me weekly or monthly projects. 

I shared a few photos last night from my portfolio and I realized that not only has my photography style changes since college, but I'm afraid I've lost some focus (no pun intended. Okay maybe a little.) It's obviously okay to change styles. I've grown up a lot since my Holga 120mm days, and although I'll always have a place in my heart for that stuff, it's time for me to get into grown up photography. My real problem is, like I said, focus on a given style or subject. 

Do I even need one? I don't know. 

Someone give me an assignment with a due date. Please. 

Worlds collide

The Dileine is a blog focused on great product packaging. I like to browse it now and again to and look through the concepts and rebrands and what have you. 

Then, just today. Boom. A post on the Dunlop Fuzz Face Mini packaging. As some of you probably know, I play guitar and am a huge lover of all things music, and funnily enough I just bought one of these new Fuzz pedals not too long ago! 

Check it out here.


Have you guys seen this? 

Pixelstick is the next, awesome, step in light painting. I love the idea of this and I love even more that they've exceeded their kick starter goal. What I don't love is that I can't really afford one right now... 

The controler on the light array reads photoshop files and lets you light paint real images. WHAT. 

Think of all the cool things you can do wit this. I'm picturing 'augmented reality' style shots. Landscaps with a small "glitch" in them. I hope to see some really great projects with these. 

Check this out:


It has been a long time...

And I'm really sorry about that. 

I've been incredibly busy with my day job and haven't had any free time to take photos.  

On the flip side, MORE of my time is being soaked up by a new podcast I'm doing with a friend called The Tone Control. We talk about guitars, recording, and everything in between (I like to say it's the stuff of making music) and it's actually hosted on this very website! It's a hidden page, but I'm sure if you know how to use the internet you'll be able to find it.  

Anyway, I'm shooting my uncle's wedding in a couple of weeks and I'm using some rented gear from I'll definitely be posting some shots from that gear and of that day pretty soon so hang tight!  

Remember, sometimes this site will go dark, go weird, go personal... whatever. I'm still around. Fear not.  

Trying really hard to not post about iOS7

But I can't help myself! I'll keep it short:

Tomorrow iOS7 is released to the general public. As usual, from the moment the new iOS is announced I look at my phone (a 4S) and think, "this thing is DUMB." Everything that could be said about iOS7 has already been said, so I don't need to bore you with that. 

It looks awesome and I'm excited to try it out for myself. I'm also excited to pick up a 5S is the coming weeks (in space black!)  

That is all.  

(told ya I'd keep it short)