Side By Side: The Science, Art, and Impact of Digital Cinema

I think I went through my own mini crisis of digital vs. photo-chemical process when it came to photography. I wanted a darkroom so badly (and I kind of still do...) but the advancements of digital imaging made that harder and harder to achieve. Is that bad? I'm not sure. The up side is that because of those same advancements, being able to create things I want to create (photographs) has become easier and easier to achieve! 

I'm all about moving technology forward & love what people are doing with DSLRs these days...but they're right. Film is great and I can't exactly put my finger on *why* it's great, but I know it's going to be an interesting transition. I think we all know we can't shoot film forever.



As you may or may not remember, I'm photographing my uncles wedding next month on Cape Cod. It's a pretty low key thing... they're not looking for the fanciest of affairs, but I still wanted to really make it count so I decided to rent some gear for the event (and maybe just use this an an excuse to rent some awesome glass...!)  

I was originally planning on grabbing a 5DIII and a 24-70 f/2.8L along with a CF card but it was just a liiiiiitle cost prohibitive for this project. After talking with the happy couple about what it is they're looking for I decided to just rent a couple of great lenses for my 60D.  

I'm still going with the 24-70, but I also picked up the Sigma 35 f/1.4 prime. I'm really excited to try this lens out because it's in the same family as the new 18-35 f/1.8. Also that way I can get some 50ish mm action on my crop sensor all the way down at 1.4. Going to be great.  

Can't wait to try out some really pro gear I'll never be able to afford :D  

Acadia Photos now in the Gallery

Moon photography

Tonight I drove up to the summit of Cadillac Mountain and took some shots of the moon rising. Loooooong exposures. Pretty fun stuff. Hopefully I'll have some time to post them shortly after I get back but I already know I have a LOT of editing to do. So many shots to sift through. Maybe buying Lightroom the other day would have been a smart idea...

Anyway, more soon. Here's another panorama from my iPhone. Not the best but its still a ton of fun working on these.


Been a little quiet

Sorry about that.  

The last couple of weeks have been nuts and I haven't been taking too many photos unfortunately :-/ But the good news is I'm heading to Acadia National Park tomorrow and I'm planning on taking TONS of shots! Hoping to get some cool HDRs, maybe if things work out I'll try my hand at panoramas? Although I don't really want to drag my tripod to the top of a  

Otherwise I've been doing some fun work for DSD! They're getting into doing cool magazine cover and movie poster style prints for customers and  did one recently i'm really happy with.  

Heck, you know what? Here it is!  

Temporary Blindness

I love that because of the way cameras work, I can't see the moment I just captured when looking through the viewfinder.  

Of course for things like landscapes and still life this isn't as interesting a point, but for action photography, street photography...even just candid shots among friends I have to rely on everything else lining up just perfectly to get the shot I'm temporarily blinded from. 

This isn't exactly profound or anything. I just love the dynamic between the camera capturing this incredibly brief moment in time, and me being temporarily blinded from it. 

It's fun.  

It's one of my favorite parts of taking photos.